ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol.When you try to ping an IP address on your local network, say, your system should turn the IP address into a MAC address.This involves using ARP to resolve the address, hence its name. Systems keep an ARP look-up table wherever they store information about what IP addresses are associated with what MAC addresses. Terminal app can be daunting at first, but it’s really the best way to hack into your Mac’s configurations and preferences to customize things to work for you rather than against you.
- Sep 29, 2017 MORE: Best Mac Antivirus Software Several EFI exploits have cropped up in the past few years, the best-known of which was the Thunderstrike attack on Macs in late 2014.
- Nikto can be used on the system which supports basic Perl installation. It can be used on Windows, Mac, Linux, and UNIX systems. Features: It can check web servers for over 6700 potentially dangerous files. It has full HTTP proxy support. Using Headers, favicons, and files, it can identify the installed software.
- HackingTool - ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5 Tags Hacking Tool X HoneyPot X Linux X Password Attack X Payload X Phishing X.
20 Free Hacking Software
The Internet is filled with unlimited number of Hacking software. We have also talked a lot about these hacking software on our past articles. Hence today we have decided to list the best Hacking tools that are free to download. We will also add the download link and tutorials wherever necessary.
So let’s begin with our list of 20 best free Hacking Software. Note that these softwares are used for security and academic purpose. Most of them might be banned in your workplace. Hence use them at your own risk.
Note: We have divided our list into Wifi cracker, Password cracker, Port scanners and Intrusion detection tools.
Free Hacking Software to Download
Password Crackers:
1: THC Hydra:
THC Hydra is a tool for brute force attack from remote login. It is used to perform a dictionary attack on around 50 protocols such as telnet, ftp, http, https, smb, etc. THC Hydra can be paired with Kali Linux or Aircrack-ng for better results.
2: Brutus:
Brutus is the most popular and preferred Password hacking software. It is same as THC Hydra and is used to perform a remote hack. Brutus is also available for Windows Operating system.
3: Medusa Password Cracker:
Medusa is one of the fastest password cracker that uses brute force attack. It can support HTTP, FTP, CVS, AFP, IMAP, MS SQL, MYSQL, NCP, NNTP, POP3, PostgreSQL, pcAnywhere, rlogin, SMB, rsh, SMTP, SNMP, SSH, SVN, VNC, VmAuthd and Telnet.
4: Ophcrack:
Ophcrack is a well known hacking software. It is based on Rainbow tables. Ophcrack is easily available for Windows and Linux platforms.
5: Fgdump:
One of the popular feature of Fgdump is that it can even run with Antivirus. It is usually used to retrieve passwords from cache files of the target user.
WiFi Hacking Software:
6: Pyrit:
Pyrit is a WiFi hacking tool used to crack WEP WLAN passwords. Below is a indepth YouTube tutorial about Pyrit.
7: CloudCracker:
Cloudcracker is a password cracking tool which generates passwords using hash files. You need to upload Hash files created by a hash file generator tool like Hashcat. Cloudcracker is an online tool which can be accessed via their official website here.
8: Fern WiFi Cracker:
Fern is especially designed for Windows, Apple and Linux users. It was developed for testing network penetration and vulnerability. But now it is used as a major WiFi hacking software.
Fern is used to detect major flaws and vulnerabilities on a Wireless network. You can then exploit those flaws to gain access to a network.
9: Cowpatty:
Cowpatty is a well known name in hacking community. It is an inbuilt tool of Kali Linux and is used for advanced hacking. Cowpatty is compatible with both Linux and Windows environment.
Download Cowpatty WiFi hacking Software
10: Kismet:
Kismet is used to crack Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n layer2 networks. It is basically a network sniffer and captures packets to determine username and passwords. Kismet is also used to identify hidden networks. You can get Kismet hacking tutorials from their official website.
11: Commview:
Commview is a certified Wireless analysis tool. It is used by professional experts to monitor wireless networks. Its wireless analysis tool is too powerful and can be used as a tool to exploit networks.
12: Omnipeek:
Omnipeek is used to capture and analyze data packets. It is same as Wireshark, but is better in capturing packets. With Omnipeek you can even look into browsing history and Login Used Id’s and passwords.
Download Omnipeek WiFi hacking Software
13: WEPattack:
As the name suggests, Wepattack is used to hack WEP/WLAN networks. This software is best for hacking old modems and routers. You can also use Wepattack to monitor and analyze data traffic.
14: Netstumbler:
Netstumbler is used as an exploitation tool to generate major flaws on a wireless network. Once a weak link is identified, it exploits the network and crack it. Netstumbler is available for both Windows and Linux systems.
15: Aircrack:
Aircrack is one of the most used WiFi cracking software used for 802.11a/b/g WEP and WPA cracking. It attacks a network by using the FMS attack and recovers data packets. These packets are then gathered and analyzed to recover the WiFI password.
Port Scanners and Encryption tools:
16: Angry IP Scanner:
It is an open source IP scanner used to scan IP’s connected to a network. It then detects harmful connections. You can also share files using remote desktop connection.
Download Angry IP Scanner Intrusion Detection Tool for Free
17: NetCop:
NetCop works as a firewall and antivirus and protect your network from illegal packets. This tool is best for users who have highly confidential data and want it to secure from network hackers. It comes with features such as ClamAV Antivirus, Web Cache, Content Filter,IPS/IDS, WAN Link Manager, Bandwidth Manager, Anonymous Proxy Blocker, Wifi Hotspot Controller, SSL VPN, Network Virtualization.
18:Putty Encryption tool:
Putty is an open source tool developed for Windows encryption and security. It is used to create a secure Remote connection and is used to encrypt SSH, Telnet, and RLogin protocols.
19: OpenSSH:
OpenSSH is used to encrypt network connections from eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other attacks. This tool also provides remote login with SSH protocol. OpenSSH is generally used when you have to send data via the Internet from one source to another.
20: TrueCrypt:
TrueCrypt is used to secure your system files and folders from outside threats. It can encrypt any file, folder, drive or partition. TrueCrypt is now discontinued for support, but can still be downloaded.
There are 5 main formats in which to store images. Why would you choose one over another, and what are the differences?
1. TIFF (also known as TIF), file types ending in .tif
TIFF stands for Tagged Image File Format. TIFF images create very large file sizes. TIFF images are uncompressed and thus contain a lot of detailed image data (which is why the files are so big) TIFFs are also extremely flexible in terms of color (they can be grayscale, or CMYK for print, or RGB for web) and content (layers, image tags).
TIFF is the most common file type used in photo software (such as Photoshop), as well as page layout software (such as Quark and InDesign), again because a TIFF contains a lot of image data.
2. JPEG (also known as JPG), file types ending in .jpg
Hacking Suite Mac Image Files Free
JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, which created this standard for this type of image formatting. JPEG files are images that have been compressed to store a lot of information in a small-size file. Most digital cameras store photos in JPEG format, because then you can take more photos on one camera card than you can with other formats.
A JPEG is compressed in a way that loses some of the image detail during the compression in order to make the file small (and thus called “lossy” compression).
JPEG files are usually used for photographs on the web, because they create a small file that is easily loaded on a web page and also looks good.
JPEG files are bad for line drawings or logos or graphics, as the compression makes them look “bitmappy” (jagged lines instead of straight ones).
3. GIF, file types ending in .gif
GIF stands for Graphic Interchange Format. This format compresses images but, as different from JPEG, the compression is lossless (no detail is lost in the compression, but the file can’t be made as small as a JPEG).
GIFs also have an extremely limited color range suitable for the web but not for printing. This format is never used for photography, because of the limited number of colors. GIFs can also be used for animations.
4. PNG, file types ending in .png
PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics. It was created as an open format to replace GIF, because the patent for GIF was owned by one company and nobody else wanted to pay licensing fees. It also allows for a full range of color and better compression.
It’s used almost exclusively for web images, never for print images. For photographs, PNG is not as good as JPEG, because it creates a larger file. But for images with some text, or line art, it’s better, because the images look less “bitmappy.”
When you take a screenshot on your Mac, the resulting image is a PNG–probably because most screenshots are a mix of images and text.
5. Raw image files
Raw image files contain data from a digital camera (usually). The files are called raw because they haven’t been processed and therefore can’t be edited or printed yet. There are a lot of different raw formats–each camera company often has its own proprietary format.
Raw files usually contain a vast amount of data that is uncompressed. Because of this, the size of a raw file is extremely large. Usually they are converted to TIFF before editing and color-correcting.
Hacking Suite Mac Image Files Download
Most of this info is courtesy of Wikipedia, which is a great place to read more about all 5 file types.